Group Overview

Welcome to the homepage of the Resilient GeoMateirals Group at Oregon State University. Our group is an interdisciplinary group addressing the resilience of soil-based infrastructure materials. The group's primary focus is on developing experimental and computational techniques to understand the mechanisms driving the physicochemical changes in earth-based infrastructure materials. Specifically, we use computational geochemistry to determine the change in the soil’s mineralogical composition and concurrently evaluate the physical changes (e.g., strength and stiffness) in the soil. Our current efforts focus on optimizing chemical additives for stabilizing problematic soils. We apply these techniques for improving the durability of stabilized soil materials (also called ground improvement) and to develop durable earth-binder mixtures, 3D Construction Printing (3DCP). Dr. Pavan Akula leads the Resilient GeoMaterials Group at the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University.

About me

I earned my Ph.D. at Texas A&M University-College Station in May 2020. During my Ph.D., I worked in the Advanced Characterization of Infrastructure Materials Lab (ACIM) under the supervision of Prof. Dallas N. Little. I also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station. During my Ph.D. and postdoctoral research, I developed computational geochemistry models for evaluating the formation and stability of strength-enhancing products in chemically stabilized soils.

Recent News:

Dec 2024: Akula presented on the topic “Insights into the engineering performance of chemically stabilized soil through analytical and computational geochemistry” at the ASCE-GI web conference.

Nov 2024: Awarded a new research project on 3D printing infrastructure components using soil-binder mixtures.

Sept 2024: Awarded a new research project for developing resilient stabilized soil materials for coastal environments

Sept 2024: Maryam Massomi and Vaibhav Ingle join the group as Graduate Research Assistants

August 2024: Akula gave an invited talk on the durability of lime-stabilized soils in Simposio Taller Cal Vias Terrestres 2024, Mexico City, Mexico

August 2024: Ashish Bastoola presents at the GOLDSCHIMDT 2024 conference.


Our work on developing sustainable earth-based materials for constructing infrastructure was covered by the local news (link)